Book Reviews

On occasion I review the many many books I read. In an effort to consolidate my many posts on different forums concerning different books, I will be re-posting old reviews from other blogs here. All re-posted reviews will link to my original post at the original location. Hope you enjoy!


I read a lot of fiction across genres and age ranges. I am sure the sorting of this section will be an evolving process. For now, however, books are sorted into "age" ranges of: Adult, Young Adult, and Middle Grade.


Young Adult:

Middle Grade:


Book review for Non-Fiction books can be found here! With non-fiction, I am more likely to listen to an audio book rather than read, so in these posts I will be sure to include which medium was used. 

Books will be sorted into "Books about Faith" and "Books about History." As I read other random non-fiction books that fit into neither category, more categories will be added.

Books about Faith:

Books about History:

  • Coming Soon...



If I reviewed every comic I ever read, I would do nothing but review comics. However, occasionally I do post reviews of comics or comic arcs. I hope to do more in the future.

Books will be sorted by publisher, because comic books are weird like that. 

Dark Horse Comics:

  • Coming Soon...

DC Comics:

  • Coming Soon...

Image Comics:

  • Coming Soon....

Marvel Comics:

*Links to one of my old blogs